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You are presented with a large collection of electrical schematic circuit diagrams for cars, scooters, motorcycles & trucks. Here you will find the necessary wiring diagrams, schematics, circuits.


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What is an Electrical Circuit Diagram?

An electrical circuit diagram is a graphic representation of special characters and pictograms that are connected in parallel or in series. The electric scheme never shows the actual image of a set of objects, but only shows their connection with each other. Thus, if you know how to read the wiring diagrams correctly, you can understand the principle of operation of this or that device or system of devices.


Almost all electrical wiring circuits are the following items:


Power supply. That is the battery or generator.


Conductors - the wires by which the transmission of electrical energy through the circuit.


Control equipment is devices designed to short or open an electrical circuit that may or may not be present in the circuit.


Consumers of electrical energy are all instruments or devices that convert electrical current into another type of energy. For example, a cigarette lighter converts electrical current into heat energy.


Symbols of electrical wiring circuits do not represent anything complicated. To understand them, you need to have a minimal understanding of the effect of electric current.


As is known, current is the orderly movement of charged particles along conductors of an electric current. In the role of conductors are the colored wires, which are indicated in the diagram in the form of straight lines. The color of the lines must necessarily correspond to the color of the wires in reality. This is what helps the driver to understand with thick wiring harnesses and not get confused.


Different contact connections are indicated by special numbers, which are both in the diagram and in the connection points. As a rule, such numbers are necessarily possessed by relays having multiple contact points. Elements of the electrical circuit on the diagram are signed with numbers. A special decoding of these numbers is displayed at the bottom of the diagram or as a separate table, which displays the name of the circuit element.